- My will is not God’s will; neither is yours;
- It is not God’s will that His people war against each other, kill and torture each other, or hate each other; and
- It is also not God’s will that His people should be unloving, unforgiving, self-righteous, judgmental, selfish, unkind, or lacking in compassion, generosity and gratitude.
And importantly, be assured that when you exhibit those behaviors or characteristics, God’s Spirit is not in you or leading you; you are not abiding in our Lord and He is not abiding in you. And from that place, you cannot even see or recognize the path that leads to deeper love and identity in God, which is God’s will. It is important to know these things, to be clear about what is not God’s will before walking into the deeper, sometimes darker waters seeking love and identity in Him, giving up more of our will that we might reflect more of His.
First written: December 2008
© Gregory E. Hudson 2008