To move on or to stay—that is the essential question for you and for all of us from time to time. By now, it is doubtless clear to you the path I’ve walked and my prayer to continue forward with the One Who calls me. What may be less clear is your readiness to move forward—in life, but especially in your spiritual life. Are you ready to seek and say, yes, to the One who calls you, to opportunities for personal change, for personal growth? Or must you remain longer in your place and identity? If so, is that because there is still more growth for you there? Or do you find moving on, accepting His invitation, too challenging, too disquieting, even too threatening?
You could be understandably concerned that saying, yes, will only lead to a succession of changes and more difficult challenges. And, out of context, to be invited to deny yourself, to take up your cross and follow Jesus may seem a daunting, unwelcome invitation, indeed. Or, also out of context, you might find a little unnerving the notion that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Without knowing more, experiencing more, you might reasonably question whether you could ever accept those invitations and teachings in joy, in love, and without fear—the biblical assurances of Jesus and Paul notwithstanding.
But don’t get ahead of yourself. Don’t let me or others distress you unnecessarily with matters taken out of the context of the appropriate time, spiritual foundation and understanding—pushing you out ahead of your Invitations. And please don’t distress yourself about such things. Remember what was said earlier: do not be concerned about places not yet traveled or invitations not yet received. God extends invitations only if that is your path to walk, and only when you are ready. At that time, you will feel invited, to be sure, but also assured that you are properly prepared—and that you can trust God and His faith community to walk with you and guide you. You can also trust God to complete the work He begins in you. Hold onto His love, hold onto your faith, hold onto hope and trust.
First written: November 2006 - January 2007
© Gregory E. Hudson 2007